The birth of George Kennedy on 28 August 1896 in Augusta, GA was found in the Augusta Arsenal Files (1869-1913). Following up on the First Friday Freebie talk by Nathan Jordan on military records, this author found genealogical nuggets in the two
volumes. These text records may be viewed at the National Archives at Atlanta,
5780 Jonesboro Rd, Morrow, GA 30260 or contact the staff.
The birth names
identify the baby; father’s name, age, rank; mother’s age, maiden name. Birth surnames include:
Adams, Carruth, Clark, Ford, Fuller, Helfiker, Huff, Kennedy, Simmons, Smith,
Tyler, Young
The marriage names include the
couples’ ages, occupation or rank, other relatives and/or birth place. Marriage
surnames include: Burum:Taylor, Fletcher:Heckle, Muscroft:Kennedy
The death names include cause and
other details such as Sapp’s suicide. Death surnames include: Ford, Sapp